

The Internatural Communication Course has Begun in Putney!

The Internatural Communication course is off to a great start in Putney! The course is quite intensive while here on campus, meeting every day in both mornings and afternoons. The group has started their studies of human communication with nature through readings, 讨论, 看电影, and other academic pursuits. They heard from a guest speaker who addressed the indigenous history of our area, and met a representative of our local Humane Society to discuss animal welfare and pet adoption.

On Friday, January 5 the group hiked Putney Mountain. After a chilly half-mile walk from the trailhead parking lot, the group was treated to near-360-degree views of the surroundings across three states, including several ski mountains in the distance. This was the last outdoor activity the group will undertake in cold weather! We head to the airport on Wednesday after dinner for an EARLY flight on Thursday morning. By Thursday afternoon we'll be in the Caribbean!
