
为教师提供的服务 & 工作人员

图书馆如何帮助教师 & 工作人员

Students aren't the only Landmark College community members who can benefit from library re搜索 instruction and assistance. A key component of the 图书馆's mission is not only to provide direct services and instruction to students, but also to support our colleagues' professional development and 奖学金.

  • Librarians enjoy assisting our colleagues with their literature 搜索es, 版权的问题,以及信息资源需求.
  • We provide support for faculty and staff professional development and 奖学金 with our online and physical collections as well as with guidance in using those collections optimally.
  • We assist committees and administrators in informing new initiatives with literarature reviews of best practices in higher education and in the disciplines.


  • 即时聊天、电邮((电子邮件保护)), phone (802-387-1648) and of course, stopping by the 图书馆 front desk.
  • Don't worry about choosing the right 图书馆 工作人员 to ask—any of us are happy to connect you to that person.
  • 但如果你仍然好奇,这里有 我们是谁 以及我们所做的一些事情.

我们为教师提供的服务 & 工作人员

  • For assistance in basic to advanced re搜索 in your subject area or in the fields of education, 学习障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症, 联系人:


    • 文献搜索
    • 为你的课程寻找可能的课程阅读材料
    • 为新的期刊问题创建电子邮件提醒
    • 为关键词搜索结果创建电子邮件提醒
    • 指导与出版过程的开始
    • 高级和基本的数据库搜索技术
    • 为你的专业发展购买物品 & 奖学金

    电子邮件((电子邮件保护)),致电(802-387-1648)或亲临图书馆 with any questions.

  • 你希望图书馆拥有什么资源吗? 

    如果你还没有, 请看看我们是否已经拥有该项目. (Many of your colleagues have been surprised to learn we already own the item they requested.) 

    • 搜索 图书馆目录 for books, DVDs, audiobooks, and music CDs you might wish to recommend.
    • 搜索 全文查找器 用作期刊、杂志或报纸的标题.

    我们还没有拥有它?  我们想听听你的意见:



  • Email your department liaison librarian to schedule a 图书馆 研究 Session in the 图书馆, 或者在教室里. 我不知道你们部门的联络人是谁? 的n email both librarians, 玛丽·简·麦奎尔 and 杰米·哈维, and they'll sort it out for you.)

    Your department liaison librarian will tailor the content of the information literacy class to your students' particular needs. 


    • Are specific to an assignment and the students' re搜索 topics
    • 是互动的,需要学生参与
    • Provide an overview of some of the sources that work best for the students' projects
    • Provide time for every student to get individual attention if needed
    • Provide ample time for each student to leave with at least one source (preferably 更多) that starts them in their re搜索.

    探索 信息素养工作坊选项.

    图书管理员通常会创建一个 图书馆课程指南,列出了学生研究的最佳资源. 

    Librarians are also available for one-on-one re搜索 help with your students.


    • 的 information literacy session be in support of an assignment. Please send us the assignment and a list of topics the students may be re搜索ing when scheduling the session.
    • 学生们至少有广泛的主题思想. It is helpful if a list of the student's topics, or possible topics, is sent to us in advance. 
    • 的 students are allowed time at the end of the session to apply the skills the librarian taught. It is helpful if the students are required to leave the session with at least one approved source.
    • 的 teacher be present for the class, help with classroom management, and participate.
    • 的 skills taught during the library session are reinforced in the classroom and on the assignment.





  • 研究过程

    制定研究问题 (PDF)

    网络搜索 & 评价

    C.R.A.P. 网站评估测试 (PDF)

    谷歌搜索 (PDF)


    看到 引用指南

  • 图书馆电脑室可通过Outlook电子邮件预订. A 图书馆 工作人员 will review your request and reply with an approval or contact you with an explanation and an offer of alternative arrangements.

    欢迎课堂旁听, 但要保证足够的空间和支撑, 请提前通知.

    的 Group Study and Individual Study Rooms are only available for reservation by students (with the exception of ITS, 可按需要预留地下集体自习室).

  • Landmark College faculty and staff are invited to borrow 图书馆 materials directly from participating academic libraries from Vermont colleges and universities participating in this reciprocal program. 

    的 Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries sponsors the program, and provides a list of participating libraries and their circulation policies 互惠借款人. Some restrictions may apply for the types of materials eligible for reciprocal borrowing or for the length of the borrowing period, 根据流通政策.

    有VCAL图书卡, you can visit most college and university libraries throughout Vermont and borrow their materials then and there instead of waiting for interlibrary loan. Afterwards you may return the other library materials to the Landmark College 图书馆 before they are due, 剩下的我们会帮你处理的.

    Come to the 图书馆 front desk to apply for a VCAL borrowing card. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have, but you can also consult the VCAL教师借阅页面.

    Are you a faculty or 工作人员 from another VCAL library?

    欢迎! 请参阅我们的 流通政策 for information about loan periods and items available for loan.


    电子邮件((电子邮件保护)),致电(802-387-1648)或亲临图书馆. 我们很高兴收到你的来信.
